"I love you,you love me,we are happy family...." .. .. and i'm awoken from my deepest slumber not by my phone's alarm but special thanks to my lil brother.The amazing power of the barney song,it wakes the biggest pigs,and to think my two alarms didn't wake me again.Sigh.
I must go get the barney song and use it for my alarm man,otherwise it'd be a matter of time before some volleyballer get his/her hands around my neck for being M.I.A for trainings.Time,10 am,approximately 8 hours or 9 to the Bbq,and i've got a feeling it's gonna be screwed.We're so bad at planning stuff,i think the tag "We suck" can actually be used here.Loads of stuff to do,and there's an important thing we didn't get.The cake.Yea,amidst the furry of rushing to get stuff for the Bbq,we forgot the most important thing,which is that cake,with candles on it.
Shang suggested pandan cake,cause he said he's broke,and i'm still laughing.I guess we're screwed man,all my life,i've hardly done things right,and things are hardly right for me.Gotta pray hard for tonight to work out.
Labels: screwed up yet again..
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